Linux.Ars: a weekly column

Progress is progress, even if it isn’t the kind you expect. Ars Technica revived their long-running column, Game.Ars, last week, and launched a new column, Mac.Ars, on Tuesday. While those two items were in the works, Kurt (my new co-worker at Ditto and a fellow moderator at Ars) suggested that he do a Windows.Ars (he’s the Windows moderator) and I do Linux.Ars (I’m the Linux moderator). I thought that sounded like a good idea, something right up my alley. A weekly column on the state of technology (related to Linux, of course).

I knew that I couldn’t (or rather, didn’t want to) do it on my own. It’s not that it’s a lot of work, but having a second person to write it with would give the column more flavor. So I got in touch with my friend Jorge to see if he was interested. He was. And we did. We started last friday night, had a draft ready by Saturday night, and sent it to Ken (who runs Ars). He liked it and agreed that he’d run it to see how the readers reacted.

Linux.Ars launched today. The comments, so far, are very positive. The column has been posted about eight hours, and I’ve already received one email and two pages of comments in the news discussion. By the results I see so far, I sense a bright future for my new column.

This new venture has kept me a little occupied this week, and I haven’t made any progress on the revisions on Temperament. There’s some other factors that have been influencing my life lately, factors beyond my control. I’m taking measures to get them addressed, though. I hope after tomorrrow I’ll be able to take a step forward with a spring in my step. Only time (and modern medical science) will tell.

2 thoughts on “Linux.Ars: a weekly column

  1. Congrats on the column. It appears to be a hit.

    Did you take up the Van Helsing challenge?

  2. Well, I’ve been slowly re-reading Dracula. It looks like I’ve got 45 days left to tackle Van Helsing. I’ve fallen behind where I wanted to be. I need to make up my mind what I’m going to work on, no later than this weekend.

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