Explore the Dollhouse

Even though my current favorite show, Dollhouse, has been officially canceled1, the folks over at Smart Pop are running a Dollhouse Essay Contest.

We love Dollhouse. And we know from Buffy and Firefly that Joss Whedon fans are across-the-board smart, insightful, and involved.

So we’ve teamed up with Jane Espenson, Dollhouse writer and Mutant Enemy veteran, to put out an essay anthology on Dollhouse composed entirely of fan-written essays. Everyone, novice to seasoned writer, is eligible to enter; the only requirement is that you are fan of Dollhouse!

Write a great essay on Dollhouse, send it to us, and your essay could be published in a Smart Pop book edited by Jane.

I usually shy away from non-fiction but I might give this a shot. I’m a huge fan of Dollhouse (and of Joss Whedon in general) and I have very strong feelings about what Joss and team are trying to do with the show.

1There is a glimmer of hope that Fox will reconsider the decision to cancel the show, if the ratings for the last aired episodes makes a miraculous turnaround. One would hope they would learn their mistakes from Firefly and simply Trust In Joss.

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