Growing pains

Never let it be said that working at a post era start up is uneventful.

We’ve finally managed to outgrow our hardware. While this painful from a cost perspective, it shows that we have built a successful and growing business. So now the fun begins.

It’s easy to call up Dell and order new servers. They also charge you an arm and a leg for it. Up to now, all of our servers are Dell-made, thanks to the venture capitalists of the era. It’s just not as feasible now, when we’re operating on a tight budget.

So I’ve decided to build our own servers. I can buy the parts and assemble them for almost a third of the cost, using the same quality equipment. Over time, I’ll assemble a farm of these servers. This will even make my job easier. With some standardized hardware, I can create images of the machine. Then adding a new farm to the cluster becomes a trivial task. I’m all for making life easier in the long run, even if the short term means working the weekend to assemble and configure servers.

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