Free iPods

Someone sent me a link to this site offering free ipods. What’s the catch, you ask? Simply complete one of their “offers”, which include things like requesting an AOL CD in the mail or opening a trial membership on some websites (like Then send the link to five of your friends. Once your five friends have completed their offers, they will ship you the iPod of your choice. Interesting deal. Sounds like a scam at first, but this same place has been around for a while, giving away various other products to get you to sign up with an advertiser.

With the pay for placement market what it is, it doesn’t surprise me to see an advertiser pay top dollar to this company in order to get a sign-up. Let’s do the math:

If an advertiser pays $50 for a sign-up, and in order to get a free iPod, you and 5 friends must sign-up, that’s $300. What’s a mini-iPod go for these days? About $250. That’s a net profit of $50 per person that they make, and I get a free iPod out of it. Interesting business model. Now let’s see if I can get the last two completions I need to get my silver mini-iPod.

I’m happy to say that I’ve completed my five offers (but click on the links above to help my wonderful wife Dena get hers. Other people are reporting receiving their iPods and are quite happy with the results.

Update #2:
I found a little package on my front porch after work today.

packing slip
This packing slip sure looks interesting….


Free iPod

My free iPod has arrived, proof to the naysayers that claimed the was a scam.

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268 thoughts on “Free iPods

  1. Well, this is great isn’t it! Yet another site that is US only.

    If you will receive my one and ship it to me, I’ll bite!

  2. Pingback: Forever Geek

  3. ***Important: To those who are new to the ‘Free iPod’ offer***

    Everywhere I go, I see people posting their links, selfishly, to get you to
    sign up on, using them as a referrer (which is one of the requ
    irements to get a free ipod, get 5 referrals). When you sign up for this sit
    e and you sign up for one of their sponsors’ offers (which is the other requ
    irement to get a free ipod), you are left with getting five other people to
    do the same before you can get your free ipod. You have nothing to benefit f
    rom using their links to sign up who spam in forums and chat rooms.

    A conga line is a system that is setup to help people get referrals. When yo
    u join a conga, using the person that is on the top of the list to use as a
    referrer, you are added to the list. When each person gets all their referra
    ls from new users signing up, the conga line moves on to the next person. Wh
    en you are up, you get your referrals. Conga lines are a great way to take a
    dvantage of this offer, where everyone helps each other out, and everyone be

    The problem with most conga lines is that they are extremely unorganized, and because o
    f this, one person can get 15 referrals when he only needs 5, and two other people coul
    d have moved through the conga, but didn’t. Also, unorganized congas allow people to ch
    eat their system and everyone using it. If you join a conga, make sure its an organized
    one. I highly recommend visiting

  4. if you are new to this and would like to receive an ipod, it’s best to sign up for a conga line… this way, you will be guaranteed referrals in a few days…
    if you need a suggestion about which one to use, is the one that got me the 3 random people I needed to finish and I got my ipod.

  5. Pingback: juju d0t org

  6. Just launched this site —

    Lets iPod seekers see which current offer is the cheapest, quickest and easiest — based on user ratings!

    Go vote to help build the ratings up and therefore help future iPod seekers find the best deal!

  7. Hi, i cant offer anybody something to trade, but my heart goes out to everybody that does help me get my i-pod. Thanks people!!!

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